luni, 28 noiembrie 2011

UNLOCK iPhone 4s!!!

Unlock iPhone 4s/4/3Gs 5.0.1 - jailbreak iPhone 4s/4/3Gs 5.0.1

Welcome to, the leading iPhone Unlock specialists. 
Since we launched our very first iPhone Unlock software back in June 2008,
our software has been downloaded by over 1 million customers
worldwide, located in over 192 countries. This makes us the most
experienced and accomplished iPhone Unlocking service in the industry.

Our software has been developed with absolute simplicity in mind and is provided with a simple 1-2-3 step guide. Using our Software, a complete novice will have the capability to unlock any iPhone with absolute ease and in as little as just two minutes.

From this moment in time our iPhone unlock software is capable of unlocking & jailbreaking any iPhone worldwide, including the 3Gs, iPhone 4 and iPhone 4s. Our software is also compatible with all firmware/ios versions including ios 4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.3.3, 4.3.4, 4.3.5 & the latest 5.0.1
Upon unlocking your iPhone you will be able to use any network provider of your choice from any location in the world. T-Mobile - Vodafone - Telefonica - 3, to name just a few.

Along with our latest iPhone unlock software we have also introduced an additional debugging functionality that is not available with any other software solution. This will enhance the battery life and general speed of the iPhone.

As a good will gesture iPhone unlock are also providing free lifetime updates with every purchase. This will ensure safe updates to future firmware versions and most importantly of all, your iPhone will remain unlocked when installing future firmware/ios versions.

At iPhone Unlock we pride ourselves on our customer service, offering many forms of support to our customers. These include Email, Phone and Live Chat. Our customer support staff are on hand 24/7. Please feel free to contact us. We are always happy to help.

Thank you for visiting iPhone Unlock.


If you are looking to Unlock the iPhone 4S, then you have come to the right place. We are able to unlock any iPhone 4s, running any firmware up to the latest 5.0 (5.0.1) firmware version.
Our solutions will jailbreak and unlock your iPhone 4S, allowing you to use your iPhone on any network or service provider of your choice worldwide.
When a new firmware version is released, we will add the jailbreak and unlock to our members site and send you an e-mail to notify you of the update – Your iPhone 4S will always be jailbroken and unlocked to the latest firmware version.
As a member you are entitled to free lifetime updates for all future iPhone firmware versions.
We have included tons of top quality content for free, all of which is compatible with the iPhone 4S. You will find guides how to use your unlocked iPhone 4S as a modem for 3G tethering, as well as how to use ‘WiFi’ only apps over 3G… things like Skype & Facetime, now you can make free calls using Skype from anywhere, not just where there is a WiFi connection!

Current Firmware Unlocking

We can currently unlock the iPhone 2G, 3G, 3Gs, 4 and 4s up to their latest updates.
The iPhone 3Gs and iPhone 4 can currently be jailbroken on iOS 5.0 and 5.0.1 using a semi-tethered jailbreak and we are expecting the unlock within a matter of days. We are expecting the jailbreak and unlock for the iPhone 4S very soon, so join now, and as soon as it’s available you will be notified and you will be able to access the unlock instantly from the members area – It’s not available yet anywhere else, get it first here!
Each time a new firmware version is released by Apple, the jailbreak and unlocking solutions for the firmware are added to our iPhone Unlocking Members site – so you’re always up to date.

MuscleNerd sustine ca o solutie de unlock pentru iPhone 4S este in lucru, prezinta o dovada.

 Au trecut cateva luni bune de cand nu am mai auzit vesti despre o posibila solutie de unlock si astazi MuscleNerd a anuntat pe Twitter ca progrese bune s-au facut pentru dezvoltarea unei solutii de unlock pentru terminalul iPhone 4S. MuscleNerd spune ca solutia de unlock nu se aplica si pentru iPhone 4 care are alt chip baseband deci are nevoie de alte exploit-uri pentru a permite decodarea. Deocamdata o solutie de unlock nu a mai fost lansata de mai bine de un an de zile si dupa cum se prezinta situatia vor mai trece cateva luni pana vom avea una disponibila.
   Despre iPhone 3GS nu s-a spus nimic si va voi spune mai multe de indata ce aflu.

iOS 5 si situatii de unlock

Ieri a fost o zi interesanta in care am aflat ca solutia de untethered jailbreak pe care o asteptam de mai bine de o luna si jumatate este deocamdata departe de a fi gata pentru o lansare publica dar am aflat totodata ca Dev Team ar fi gasit un exploit care ar putea fi transformat intr-o solutie de unlock numai pentru iPhone 4S. Da, in imaginea de mai sus avem o dovada nu prea convingatoare a faptului ca MuscleNerd ar fi reusit sa gaseasca un exploit care ar putea duce la dezvoltarea unei solutii de unlock dedicata exclusiv terminalului iPhone 4S insa nu si terminalului iPhone 4 sau a 3GS-ului.
iPhone 4S, iPhone 4 si iPhone 3GS au chip-uri baseband diferite deci pentru fiecare model trebuie gasit cate un exploit diferit in baseband iar acest lucru este extrem de greu de facut. Apple a reusit sa fragmenteze solutia de unlock aducand-o in situatia in care Dev Team trebuie sa isi tripleze eforturile pentru a produce o metoda de a decoda toate modelele de iPhone vandute acum si se pare ca ei se concentreaza pe cel mai important, iPhone 4S. Daca aceasta solutie de unlock va ajunge sau nu in mainile utilizatorilor in urmatoarele zile/saptamani/luni doar Dev Team stie insa cert este ca in momentul de fata nu exista vreo solutie de decodare pentru iPhone 4S.
Pentru iPhone 3GS/4 poate fi utilizat ultrasn0w pentru a decoda baseband-urile 05.13.x/06.15.00(iPhone 3G/3GS) sau mai mici dar si 01.59.x(iPhone 4). Pentru iPhone 4 mai exista o metoda de decodare folosind cartele Gevey 3G insa in cazul lor baseband-ul 04.10.01 este cel mai mare care poate fi decodat. Pe iOS 5 puteti decoda iPhone 3GS/4 cu ultrasn0w sau Gevey insa NUMAI daca faceti update folosind un custom ipsw si pastrati baseband-ul decodabil intact. Tutoriale care va invata sa faceti un custom ipsw gasiti aici.
In concluzie, Dev Team arunca promisiuni, este foarte departe de a oferi ceva viabil si terminalele factory unlocked sunt cea mai buna solutie pentru a scapa de problema decodarii.
UPDATE: ultrasn0w nu este compatibil cu iOS 5.0.1 deci nu incercati sa instalati aceasta versiune a iOS pentru ca nu veti putea face decodare.

Stiai ca?

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